Central Park, at the very heart (if not the very heart) of New York City, is one of the most inspiring combinations of architecture, landscape design and urban planning to be found anywhere on the face of the earth. It ranks as a symbol of New York City only behind the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. Unlike these two, however, Central Park is dynamic, vibrant; a perpetually changing counterpoint to the brilliant, but static, architectural achievements that surround it. Central Park breathes. It provides a respite from the struggles that have produced the amazing city that surrounds it.  It is a place to reflect, to sigh deeply and feel good about it, to let the tension ebb and allow the strictures and pressures of metropolitan enterprise loosen and unwind.

The park also satisfies that need that resides in so many city dwellers, in an environment that requires dusting plants as often as watering them, that causes us to lavish our attentions upon wallet-sized window boxes and fret over ficus plants that have seen more near death drama than a revival of “Camille”.   A need to be near something living, something growing; a need to be near something green that isn’t attached to our cheese. Central Park is all of these things, and much more.

So – simply put – We believe that Central Park deserves the best internet alter-ego possible; one that reflects the vision and passion of the original designers. A website that is not only informative and useful, but also insightful and entertaining. Not only a service, but also place for people, New Yorkers, all over the world to visit their park; a place to share photos of their favorite places and memories of visits past. A tool that enables park visitors to take full advantage of the Park’s many features, both the well known and those, perhaps, not so.

It is a rare privilege in life when you get to combine your passion with your vocation, to put your talents to work at the service of a truly remarkable convergence of human creativity and altruistic vision. We pledge our very best efforts to this undertaking.

Disclaimer: We are in no way officially linked to, nor represent, the New York City Parks Department or the Central Park Conservancy. Nor do we represent the Central Park Zoo or the Wildlife Conservation Society that operates it. We do, however, share their mission to assist park visitors in taking advantage of Central Park’s many features. This site’s operation is financed by advertising that, we hope, will intrude minimally with the site aesthetics. It will also enable us to provide relevant content that can be targeted towards people’s specific interests.


Staff of CentralPark.org

Content Director – John Moore John  Moore first came to New York City on a class trip senior year in High School. He immediately wandered off and became blissfully lost. A few years later, after a cross-country journey to find himself (or at least someone that looked good in his clothes) he moved to Manhattan and discovered Central Park. He realized that this was by far the best place in the City to get lost. Since that time he has worked in New York as a bartender, freelance writer, web designer and social media consultant. John has been writing about Central Park since the early ’90s as a freelance journalist.  He lives nearby the park, visits it virtually every day, and has run an estimated 20,000 miles around the park over the past 20 years. He is currently working on a book about the social history of Central Park titled “Secrets of Central Park.” Contact John at “jmoore at CentralPark.org”. About twenty years ago the original designers of CentralPark.org (Jay and Liana Fayloga) moved to the west coast and passed over the management of the site to John. He has operated the site ever since, enjoying his duties answering the questions of school children around the world and updating schedules.  John Moore was the Content Director of CentralPark.com from 2004-09, having adapted all of the all of the content from the CentralPark.org site, as well as writing and producing the Central Park audio tours. Writing Portfolio – Lost In New York.

All material on this site is the sole intellectual property of John B. Moore, copyright registration number TX7-125-865.  Any other use of this material without the express consent of the author is expressly forbidden and punishable by federal law.