Central Park People

A Photo Essay

The diversity of types of people that visit Central Park is as varied as the activities available to them. The designers of the Park wanted it to be a democratic park for all people. Although the rich and well off have always had easier access to the park, it is available to everyone, and the current managers, The Central Park Conservancy, strive to make it all inclusive. Whether you visit the Park to play sports, watch birds, see a concert, walk in the woods, or just sit and read a book, there is something for everyone. Through my images and Alan Cohen’s words the book will take you on a journey of this diversity. You can order the book by emailing “Harvey@Kopel.us”. It is $19.95 + $3.95 shipping.

From page 74 in the chapter “performing and appreciating” The showtime boys so named because they start off their show with “It’s Showtime.” They entertain the public with their acrobatics, comedy patter, and break dancing along with coaxing the public to “donate” more than they intended.
Canon 5D mark iii, Tamron 28-300@55mm, iso1600, 1/2000sec@f4.5