Central Park Updates

Tornado in Central Park

If you’re any where nearby you should really make time to experience the amazing new sculpture at the entrance to Central Park on the corner of 59th St. and 5th Ave. The only things missing are Toto and Dorothy.

Top Ten Central Park Movies

Movies have been shot in Central Park for over a century now (the first was “Romeo and Juliet” in 1908) and I thought it would be a great idea to pick the ten best of all time.

Wandering Round the Ramble

One of the few spots in the city where visitors can get happily lost, the Ramble, at thirty-six acres, offers a variety of intimate scenic enclaves that include the Gill, a tiny stream the wanders through the area, and the Ramble Arch.

The Climate Reality Project

24 Presenters, 24 Time Zones, 13 Languages, 1 Message - A Global Audience The goal of 24 Hours of Reality is to focus the world's attention on the full scope and scale of the climate crisis, once and for all dispelling doubt and putting the issue front and center in...