Central Park Updates

Bard For The Birds

The starling is only mentioned once by Shakespeare, in a passage which shows that in his time this bird, which possesses remarkable powers of imitation, was taught to say words. The fiery Hotspur declares that although the King had forbidden him to speak of Mortimer...

Storm Cleanup Goes On In Central Park

The massive cleanup is continuing this week in Central Park, where the severe storm of Aug. 18 battered landscapes and brought down more than 250 trees. The storm lasted less than 30 minutes, but left areas of the Park’s north end devastated. It also left months of...

From Pale Male to Pan Am – An Airport In Manhattan’s Central Park

Well it wasn’t the absurdity of the idea that immediately tagged the Manhattan Airport Foundation as a fictitious group. There have been a raft of idiotic suggestions on how to use Central Park since its inception. These included a race track, artillery range, public housing, large scale amusement park and, my personal favorite, a wild game preserve. What marked this as a well designed hoax was the fact that the website – manhattanairport.org – stated that they already had significant funding.

Thoth Arrested In Central Park

Anyone who visits Bethesda Terrace in Central Park is familiar with Thoth, a street performer that has made the center of the park his personal stage for years now. His performances evoke responses ranging from amazement to annoyance – last Sunday’s performance met with an entirely new reaction – his arrest.

Stolen Wallet Found After 27 Years

The wallet was snatched on October 24, 1982, while Bendik, now 69, was in Central Park watching the New York marathon. She went to greet runners at the end of the race and, "when I got out of the crush of people, I realized my purse was much lighter," Bendik told CNN....