Central Park Updates
Park in the Dark
One of my favorite things to do in Manhattan, and I know I risk seeming a complete geek by relating this, is to run around the Central Park Reservoir at sunset in the wintertime, the geeky part being I love listening to Garrison Keillor on NPR while I do it (although...
Documentary Exposing Carriage Horse Carnage
BLINDERS, a 50 min documentary about the growing movement to ban the infamous NYC carriage horses, will be screened publicly in Manhattan for the first time on Sept. 18th and 22nd. BLINDERS has been screened at 10 film festivals and won the 2008 award for Best Film in...
Bon Jovi on the Great Lawn
Bon Jovi did indeed rock the Great Lawn. The boys from Jersey made their fans, and home state, proud, singing several of their greatest hits, including "Livin' on a Prayer" and "You Give Love a Bad Name," before ending their set with "I Love This Town" -- a kind of...
Horse Drawn Carriages Part Two
In the past year I have commented several times on the Horse Drawn Carriage industry as it is carried out in New York. Initially I was of the opinion that it was a more or less innocent tradition that provided a colorful way to tour New York and Central Park. During...
Dark drama unfolds in the Bethesda Fountain restrooms
A noir thriller, based on actual events that transpired in Dublin, Ireland in the 1950's was performed last week (3/19 - 3/29) in Central Park. But it wasn't staged at the Delacorte, and it certainly wasn't enacted by marionettes in the Swedish Cottage. It was...
Romantic Spots In Central Park
TripAdvisor recently announced the top 10 places in America to propose, according to travelers and editors, and according to them the single best place in the country to pop the question is New York's very own Central Park. According to one TripAdvisor traveler, "I...
Horse-Drawn Carriages in Central Park – Take Two
After a few weeks of impassioned, and enlightening, comments on my Horse Controversy post I must say that my position has changed. While I still like the idea of the horses being confined to giving rides in a carless Central Park, I admit that finding them viable...
Horse Controversy Rages
Okay, I'm all for protecting the horses that line Central Park South waiting for tourists to hop in and clip clop around the Park. The recent videos posted on YouTube.com and on various news sites are horrific. But. But I don't think the ban advocated by the Queens...