Dating in Central Park

Dating in Central Park offers a variety of choices, ranging from formal dinner to secluded picnics. You can take a walk along any number of scenic routes, discover hidden gems scattered throughout the landscape, go ice skating or rowing, or even relax and listen to a sunset concert. Just entering the park, leaving the jostling throngs and clogged streets behind you, makes the experience special; unique in a city fairly drowning in sensual wonders. While there is a certain sense of achievement inherent in securing a romantic table for two in a darkened restaurant it pales in comparison to the shared sense of discovery and relaxed intimacy that accompanies a stroll through the park. In a Manhattan restaurant you can convince yourself you’ve left the city behind, in Central Park, almost before you become aware of the subtle transition, the city leaves you.

Tavern on the Green – Iconic Central Park Restaurant

The Boathouse Restaurant – Picturesque dining and drinking on the Lake at the center of Central Park