The Pool in Central Park
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching I thought I’d make a list counting down the ten most romantic places in Central Park.
10. Tenth on our list is the Pool on the northern west side of the park. With placid waters that ripple gently beneath gracefully weeping willows, velvety lawns that stretch to the water’s edge, and the promise of a quiet moment stolen from the temporally voracious metropolis outside: the Pool offers a contemplative landscape that almost aches to be shared. A modest picnic lunch leisurely eaten on a lazy summer afternoon with only a few dragonflies for company, the Pool can provide simple pleasures in an increasingly complex city. It is a rare location in the park that can offer even the possibility of solitude, but this mirror-surfaced pond, with its languid curves, has private space to spare. Perfect for a tryst, away from prying eyes and intrusive ears, the Pool can be the site of intimate idylls throughout the year.