In a move that will be welcomed by all of us that would prefer a snack other than a damp, doughy pretzel ring New York City has announced it expanding its eat-healthy Green Cart campaign by allowing food vendors to operate at three choice locations around the park, beginning next month
Proposed Vegetable Cart in Central Park
. The carts will offer high-nutrition produce at competitive prices, such as three bananas for just a buck, half-pound boxes of strawberries for $2 and mangos for $1.50. They will compete with longtime snack-food carts in the park in an effort to get New Yorkers to eat smarter.
The carts will be in operation not far from culture magnets like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History: parkside on Fifth Avenue between East 80th and East 81st streets, Fifth Avenue between East 86th and East 87th Streets, and West 110th Street between Lenox Avenue and Central Park West.
The produce will come from the Hunts Point market, and the carts will be furnished by a firm called United Snacks.
Sounds nice, do you think it will work? Will New Yorkers prefer fruit or fast food?