The Arsenal in Central Park
For many years, urban parks across the U.S. sank into decay and disuse. However, as cities have begun to rebound — and as evidence of the economic, cultural, and health benefits of parks grows — investment in these valuable facilities has swelled. Many new parks are being built in surprising places, like rooftops, old railyards, highway decks, covered reservoirs and widened stream valleys – and the leader in the movement is New York City. By serving duty as everything from community gardens to schoolyard parks to cemeteries-for-the-living to recreational retention ponds, the urban parks movement is transforming cities for residents, families, commuters and visitors alike.
Peter Harnik is director of the Center for City Park Excellence at the Trust for Public Land in Washington, D.C. He will read from and talk about his new book, Urban Green: Innovative Parks for Resurgent Cities, showing the newest ways that “all built out” cities can add much-needed parkland.
This lecture is being co-presented with the Department of Parks & Recreation’s Common Ground lecture series and will be followed by a reception in the Arsenal’s roof garden. Seating is limited, and RSVPs are required. Please email or call (212) 360-1324 to RSVP.